Mechanical trading systems have many components. The common components usually include entry signals, exit signals, trade management actions like moving stops or moving targets, scaling in, scaling out, position sizing, profit targets, bar period, market traded, trading times of day and so on.
Fast results, easy to execute
Part of the Another tool in a traders tool box, is not a replacement for a full backtest.
Evaluating the effectiveness of the entry signal on its own
Related Reading Material
The approach of entry edge was motivated by the books below.
If the trade hits the target before the 10th bar, then the trade ends at that point and the results calculated accordingly.
Calculated Results
Entry Price
Exit Price
R multiplier
Long/Short Subgraphs
Entry Price
Exit Price
Renko Uses Renko Open/Close
Holding time settings
Stop settings
Target settings
Trade window settings
Holding Time and Iterations