TradeRunner QuickEntry2 (QE2) is a custom study application which helps your manual trading and makes trading more efficient with position sizing and managing open positions automatically. In this documentation you can find all information to learn how to configure QE2 for best, efficient and secure use. Before you trade live with QE2 you should have enough experience with using the application. It is important to understand how it works and behaves with certain configurations and in certain market behaviour.
General information about SierraChart
To use QE2 we recommend to use SC version 2448 or newer versions. We always test QE2 on a specific SC version and provide information about the latest tested and stable SC version we recommend to use with QE2. You can check your SC version in the SC’s title bar
or in Window - Message Log (Ctrl + M) – Software Version row.
You can update your working and configured SC to a version we recommend by selecting Help – Download Current Version command and in the installer, window chose Specific Version and type in the version you want to update to then click on Install button.