TradeRunner QuickEntry2 (QE2) is a custom study application which helps your manual trading and makes trading more efficient with position sizing and managing open positions automatically. In this documentation you can find all information to learn how to configure QE2 for best, efficient and secure use. Before you trade live with QE2 you should have enough experience with using the application. It is important to understand how it works and behaves with certain configurations and in certain market behaviour.
General information about SierraChart
To use QE2 we recommend to use SC version 2448 or newer versions. We always test QE2 on a specific SC version and provide information about the latest tested and stable SC version we recommend to use with QE2. You can check your SC version in the SC’s title bar
or in Window - Message Log (Ctrl + M) – Software Version row.
You can update your working and configured SC to a version we recommend by selecting Help – Download Current Version command and in the installer, window chose Specific Version and type in the version you want to update to then click on Install button.
Pre-configured SierraChart kit
We provide a pre-configured SC kit in which we set all important configuration to you be able to use QE2 right after starting SC. You must set some of your systems parameters in QE2 like your initial risk and setup size and you ready to open position with QE2.
Follow the steps below to download and install the kit:
1.Download the kit from THIS link.
2.After you donwloaded the kit you must extract the zip file to a destination you choose exclude the Program Files folders on the drive where windows is installed. To extract you can use the built-in extractor tool in file explorer. Click with right mouse button on the downloaded zip file to open the context menu then chose the Open with - Windows Explorer.
3.In the file explorer select the folder with “SC2383” name then click on the Extract all command.
The name of the folder can be different as we update the kit to newer SC versions.
4.In the appearing window chose the destination where you want to extract the SC folder then click on Extract button.
5.After extraction the SC2383 folder will appear with its content. If this does not happen, then find the SC2383 folder (on destination you chose in step 4) and open it.
6.In the folder find the SierraChart_64.exe file, double click on it and SC will start.
This pre-configured kit is always available. If you encounter any problem with the SC or QE2 then it is recommended to download the kit, let the settings in default state and check if the same behavior happens. If everything works fine in the kit with default settings, then something went wrong in you SC or QE2 settings. It can happen by set an important setting by mistake or during a SC update. In this situation you can check these important settings one by one from the documentation or from the provided pre-configured kit to find the problem quickly.
Update to a specific SierraChart version
If you already have a working and configured SC, then it is recommended to update it to a specific SC version we recommend:
Select the Help – Download Current Version command.
2. In the appearing window click on Yes to close SC and start the install process. You might be asked by SC to save all your open chartbooks.
3. Chose Specific Version from Version drop down list then type the version you want to update into the Specific Version box.
4. To start the update, click on the Install button.
5. After the update, a window will appear which shows how the update process went. If you see a window which shows as picture below, then the update process was successful. Click on OK button then on Close button and the updated SC will automatically start.
How to validate and troubleshoot QE2 study and license
The QE2 license and study dll automatically downloaded by SC at the start of the application if the provider of the application activated the license for your SC account name. Please be patient because the activation process can take up to 36 hours. Before you start complaining about the license restart your SC and check if you got your license and study dll downloaded by the steps below.
In Message Log (Window – Message Log or Ctrl+M) window find the DLLs and Allowed protected custom studies rows, where you should see ATG-QuickEntry2_64.dll és ATG Quick Entry 2.
If you find them then the study dll is downloaded onto your computer and you got the license activated for you.
If ATG-QuickEntry2_64.dll is missing from the DLLs row, then something went wrong with downloading the study dll. In this case, please contact us so we can help.
If ATG Quick Entry 2 is missing from the Allowed protected custom studies row, then you don’t have the license activated for your SC account name. If you haven’t got the license after 36 hours of the purchase, then contact us so we can have a look on the problem.