Documentation Organization and Outline
Overview - purpose, concepts, terms, workflows
Quick Start - User has installed and is now placing the first trade in sim mode - drawing your first grid, triggering your first order, default out of the box behavior
How to (use cases) - how to do stuff, step by step
Reference documentation - nitty gritty and details
Knowledge base - best practices, examples, guidelines
Product categories
User interface - panel, right click, kb and SC menus
QE panel
Trade entry
Trade Profiles
Trade management
Limit order management
Trading window
Visual grid
Trailing stop, supertrend1 + supertrend2
Keyboard shortcuts
Right click context menu
Trade logging
Multiple entries, multiple QE instances
Purpose, concepts, terms, workflows
Concepts - automation vs. semi-automation, grid based trade setup, trade profiles, trigger level, position sizing, exit orders (targets and stops)
Workflow - configuration -> drawing the grid ->trade entry -> trade management
Configuration - trade profile, grid settings, entry method, trigger level, position sizing