HowTo Manually Install and Upgrade a Sierra Chart Custom Study Dll

The following is a step by step guide on how to install a Sierra Chart Custom Study DLL. If you are upgrading, see the section at the bottom on upgrade notes.

Step1 - locate your Sierra Chart "data" folder

The dll file you received needs reside in the Sierra Chart data folder. By default, the data folder resides in your Sierra Chart installation directory and the exact location varies and might be different from one distribution to the next.
To locate this directory, it is simple to look in the application under Global Settings->General Settings. The data directory is under the "Data Files Folder" field in the "General 1".

Step 2 - download dll file/s and copy to your data folder

Step 3 - Open a chart

Step 4 - Open the "Chart Studies" dialog by selecting Analysis→Studies

Step 5 - Open the "Add Study" dialog by clicking on the "Add Custom Study…" button

Step 6 - add the study to the chart

  1. Expand the custom study dll node
  2. Select the study
  3. Click Add

Upgrading to a new version of your custom study

In some cases you may be upgrading to a new version of the custom study dll (I.e., you are copying the new dll over the existing one.) In this case, before installing the new dll, take note to:

  • Make a backup of the existing dll
  • Remove the existing study from all charts to which it is has been applied
  • Sometimes it is required to restart Sierra Chart. If you are unsure, you probably want to do so just in case
  • Follow the instructions above including adding and configuring the new dll